Earlier today I got a response from the last job in the UK I’ve been waiting to hear from, which was a “no.” I didn’t have enough specific knowledge/experience for the position. My student visa expires on the 1st of October, so this means that I have to leave Scotland. I’ve already started to make plans to, since they’ve taken so long to get back to me. I would have barely had time to apply for a work visa if they’d offered me a job.
Truthfully, I’m glad I don’t have to make the choice between Aberdeen and the US. Lately I’ve been realizing how much I miss Seattle, and how the choice between staying near my friends in Scotland and going back home would be difficult. I probably would have chosen to go home, and then felt like I was giving up a good opportunity to stay. Now, I don’t have a choice, and I can be content getting excited about going back to Seattle.
I will miss Scotland dearly. It’s been an amazing experience. I’ve changed a lot (for the better), and met so many great people, including friends I know I’ll have for life. I’m sure I’ll be putting aside money to come back as soon as I can.
But it seems it’s time for me to leave the people and the land behind. For now.
We will clearly just have to have a gucs irc meetup in Seattle
That would be epic!