
Reflections on Grief

This month marks one year since my mom Maria died, and I feel like sharing.

It’s been one of the hardest years of my life, to be honest. It hasn’t been without its ups, of course (I’m engaged and making wedding plans!), but I’ve had more downs than I care to think about. Ups don’t counteract downs. They just kind of… coexist.

My grief is triggered by seemingly random things sometimes and it can be intense when it happens.

One example: last year at Sasquatch in late May, I was watching Florence & The Machine on the main stage. She …

You CAN be a Self-Confident Introvert!

I finished Felicia Day’s book today, You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)… it makes me sad. I want more! I want to be her friend! 🙁

For those who don’t know, Felicia Day is an actress who has been in a few popular sci-fi and fantasy TV shows. But she is most known for writing the popular web series The Guild. If you haven’t seen it and want to watch a hilarious show about a group of online gamers meeting up in real life, I highly recommend it.

Something that made me think a bit was just …